Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toys for Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinic scene play,nurse (2025)

Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (1)

Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (2)





ClitorisPumping Kits











NipplePumping Kits









Restraints- Black Leather





StainlessSteel Toys


Uniforms - Outfits



Violet Wand Kit

Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (3)

AboutMedical Fetish

Products/ Online Catalog





Ask theNurse

MedicalFetish Library

MTC inthe Media

Kink That Cares

Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (4)

Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (5) Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (6)

Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (19)

Magazines and Media
MedicalToys.comin Print, Plus!

Over the past couple of years, we have beenmention or sited or "used" (oh how we LOVE that!) so many places, westopped adding them here... but be it ontelevision, magazines, thenewsor any other media representation we have been posting them on Facebookand Twitter! So, if you are not already doing so (and whynot?) ... followus!


Twitter: MedicalToys

We will leavethis Media Section for archival purposes, though. Have fun!

Whereveryou see ahypo-needlelike thisMedia Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (20)on thispage,just click on it to read or see more photos or related materialto thearticle or event where MTC is/was in the Media!

JG-Leathers, and Venus DeMila bring
'The Creature'to life at our MedicalToys.comTwisted Clinic.

Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (22)

Martin Sargent with amummified Nurse Victoria
during WebdrifterTV shoot at
[click on image for full video...]

Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (23)

MartinSargent withNurse Laural, Nurse Victoria
and Nurse Ivyduring the filming.

Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (24)

Nurse Valentine andPlayboy's
videographer,Gavin playingDoctor!

Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (25)

Sam Phillips, Nurses Angela,Valentineand Laural
during filming of Playboy's Sexcetera.

Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (26)
NurseLaural's Column in the new fetish
magazineVon Gutenberg!

Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (27)

Nurse Laural writesarticles
forSecret Magazine, Belgium

Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (28)
Nurse Laural'scolumn in TabooMagazine
is still goingstrong!

Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (29)
Tank Girl and Booga
in a T-Shirt

Television,Podcasts, MusicVideo and Movies

"Hurricane"Music Video for 30 Seconds to Mars
October 13,2010

CSI Miami TV
April, 2010

Criminal Minds TV
March, 2010

Talking Sex Radio/TSR Network Internet TV with Rev Mel September 21,2009

Playboy Radio "Night Calls" with Nicki Hunter September 18, 2009

"Sucker Punch" Movie
(due out in 2011)

CNN Headline News "NewsTo Me" January14, 2008

Webdrifterw/Martin Sargent

Requiringour WhiteheadGags and Blindfolds...

Our FireCups and Cupping Sets will make ittoan upcoming episode!

Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (30)MissyElliot Video, "Teary Eyed"
Inhertotally MedicalFetish music video released on September 27, 2005, Missy Elliot and herdancers are clad in our LeatherStraitjackets

Anepisodefor humanbindings, so they ordered our BondageWraps

Forthepremiere openingat a trendy celeb filled boutique hotel on Sunset Strip, we sent ourcrispwhite Nurse Uniforms and NurseCaps

BBCGraham Norton Show
Whereour AirCasts and NaughtyPatient's Gown have found their way to the UK, for use onunsuspectingtelevision guest stars of the show!

(premierairing datewas November 13, 2000)

Now,we are currentlyairing on Playboy in their
"BestOfSexcetera" programsfor 2001-2004!

Reportsare coming infrom Playboy Europe & Mexico that we are popping up on their tubesover there, too!

Wantto read all about our fun doing the video shoot for the PlayboyChannels'Sexcetera program with Sam Phillips (Penthouse Pet '94) back inSeptember2000,
justclickhere on thehypo-needle icon!

VH-1 was seeking Medical Fetishfolks who live out therefantasies... intheir home!

ChannelFive in England was seeking Medical Fetishists!


Talking Sex Radio/TSR NetworkInternet TV

Host Rev Mel interviews Nurse Lauralabout the "ins and outs" of Medical Fetish and some of their infamoustoys & gear!

Playboy Radio

Nicki Hunter star of adult cinema interviews the owner as they hit her "hot button" of her love of MedicalFetish and making her an honorary "Nasty Nurse".

TabooTalk Radio
clickhere to read all about it!
MedicalToys.comand NurseLaural featured on Marilyn Chambers National Radio Show

Sheena-n-SamTalk Radio
SheenaandSam spokeon Los Angeles
RadioTalkShow and
theeyeopening experiencesSam Phillips
hadwhilefilming forSexcetera!

Museum ofSex

New York City

W Magazine
Dazed Magazine
Men's Health
New YorkerMagazine
Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (35)VillageVoice- New York
San FranciscoWeekly
Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (36)LavaLife Magazine
New Times PalmBeach & Miami
New Yorker Magazine
Pitch Weekly-Kansas City
Twin CitiesUncovered
Philadelphia Weekly
Now Toronto
Portland Mercury
FETISH Magazine
SkinTwo Magazine
On Our Backs Magazine
Bizarre Magazine
Bitches With Whips
DDI: Supplier listings
Unzipped Magazine
Hustler'sTaboo Magazine
New Woman - UK
San Francisco Bay Times
Bizarre Magazine - UK
Secret Magazine-Belgium
Scarlet Magazine - UK

Em& Lo's SexToys: An A-Z Guide to Bedside Accessories
Screw The Roses, Send Me The Thorns

The Ultimate Guide ToSexual Fantasy
Deviant Desires
Tank Girl,
The Gifting #4

The Stranger
Savage Love
Penthouse/VariationsMagazine Fetish Erotica
Jane's Guide Review
Annie Sprinkle's "How toExamine your
Own Cervix"
Meme Pool: March 12th Review
Bondage Directory
Max Fisch
Sexual Playground
Eric Kroll
Fetish Classifieds
Dark Zone
Blue Blood
DomSub Nation
Whap Magazine
Sexy Sadist
Playboy (of course!)
House of Gord
Simone Devonshire
Stephanie Locke
and so manymore weblogs, Facebook, Twitter,'s, etc.
Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (40)

Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (41)

Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (42)

Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (44)
NurseLaural and Eric
fromPenthouse's VariationsMagazine

Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (45) We just can't keepquiet!
The word is outaboutus!

Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (46)

(these are only a few ofthe thousands, after 15 years!)

"...Ifyourvagina is very fleshy, and pads of fat are bulging around the blades ofthe speculum, try a larger size, or inserting the speculum sideways. Sonow you check out your insides... groovy. Look at the colors andtextures. ...Looking for a speculum? You can buy one!"

-from "How to Examine YourCervix" on
Annie Sprinkle's

"... its pages arepacked with delicious little gadgets from the world of medicine, thatcanbe hard to find, but aren't hard to find a use for!..."

-review of our catalogby TonyMitchell
from SkinTwo Magazine

"MedicalToys.comis a truly large and utterly fascinating online retailer supplying allmanner of medical supplies and restraints for bondage and/or fetishenthusiasts.In short, if you can think of it, they've probably got it.Mummificationenthusiasts will love this place as well! The site features the usualonlinecatalogue as well as a gallery illustrating their products in action.Healingwas never this much fun before or since!"
-Tied and True Tales

"AllI didwas type"catheter fetish" into a search engine ( "ta-da!” not 10minuteslater I was on the phone with the owners of, "providerof medical toys, products, and apparel for the medical fetish,nursefetish and the medical BDSM scene."
-Dan Savage, Savage Love Columnist

"Themedical(clinic, as they say in Europe) scene has long been an undergroundsubject.Pulling it out of its underground obscurity is a growing factionofFetish Medical enthusiasts!..."

- excerpt from MedicalFetish Seriesarticles inBitches With Whips Magazine

"Ifyou really want to play doctor, this would be the place to fulfill yourmedical fetish needs. ... all sorts of supplies for sale and galleriesto visit..." -fromPenthouseMagazine's Variations

"...youknow,I've met a lot of people in this industry, and I have to say, Lauraland the Staff of are the nicest and most well roundedcoupleI have ever met! They just make you feel so comfortable and normal!..."
-from SamPhillipsRadio Show, the Sheena-n-Sam Show

" MedicalFetish and Nurse Fetish images, information and instruments with alibrary,gallery and on-line secure ordering shop and much more. .."

"Thosethat havemore ofa general interest in medical fetish stuff might enjoy some of the FAQsand info found on"

"Anddon't forgetto buyyour favorite medical fetish gifts at I just foundthissite and just about creamed myself... wait, I did cream myself...eeesh,pass the kleenex please..."

"...Thosewho never outgrew playing doctor, will have no trouble locatingwhateverthey need.... more than just a mere toy store... I was very impressedbyMedicalToys customer service."

-Edward Carpal
Nugget Magazine

"... if it hasanythingto do with Playing Doctor or medical fetish... the only place to go"

-Hustler's Taboo MagazineArticle

"Thestrongestendorsementfor the return of the white uniform came not from a working nurse butfromLaural Wood, who is a "nurse practitioner" at, one ofthelargest dealers of medical-fetish paraphernalia on the Web."

-John Seabrook
New Yorker Magazine

"Doesthe sound of metal clinking on a tray send chills up your spine? Do youlike the feeling of a hand wrapped in latex gloves as it slides a coldsteel instrument between your legs? If you answered yes, then you, myfriend,are a medical fetishist. Shop for nurse's uniforms, straitjackets,rectalscopes, mummy bags, even eye charts and I.V. stands. The "AsktheNurse"and "Ask the Doctor" sections will answer any questionyou might haveaboutthis clinical clique so you can open up and say, "ahh!..."

-Cybersocket's Pick

"But,hey, don't take my word for it. I've got a couple of bonus guestexpertfor you: Laural Wood of,"the largest provider of medical toys, products, and apparel for themedicalfetish, nurse fetish, and medical BDSM scene on the web."

-Dan Savage of "SavageLove"

"And fortheultimate induct tape bondage fun, check out an excellent run down and illustration of mummification..."
"FriendlyTABOO advice columnist Nurse Laural presides at'sgot ultrafine enema gear, sounds, straitjackets, hospitalrestraints...Serious stuff offered with a nice touch of lasciviouslevity...."

-Taboo Magazine

"Dear Eva, Inoticed youplaying with some nipple pumps in one of your video clips...where didyouget them from?... -Dolly

For the cuppingsets I just bought some from My nipples are waytoo sensitive though.You may have noticed that if there is any nippletortureit is usually me that is giving it! -Luv Eva" Blog

"...Straightjacketsfor bondage to specula for peering at theinsidesof orifices... All those stainlesssteel wonders, like sounds and anal intruders. Vacuumpumps for stretching, swelling and giving hickies to nipples,cocks,ball sacs. So if you think you might like some medical play... Startwithmedicaltoys ( has great pics -- live humans (well, faux-wounded humans) in theircontraptions(as opposed to close-ups of naked devices) -- the prices are fairlyreasonable,the selection is geared toward players, and the text player friendly,thatis, informative in terms of how you use an implement or why you maywantparticular features."

"Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toysfor Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinicscene play,nurse (50)It's the "Toys-R-Us" of Medical and Nurse Fetish!
What agreat place,oh yeah,it's a website! But it feels like an honest to goodness fetishclinic...and the nurses!! The medical toys selection is absolutely mindblowing...never thought you could do so many different things with instruments!!There are enemas, straitjackets, clinicfurniture, all kinds of medical stuff! And did I mention thenurses?They have an easy to use shopping cart, that I really liked and amlookingforward to my first order. Check out the newsletters while you'revisiting...all in all you will need a long visit... like I said, it seems like youare in an actual kinky clinic somewhere, not a website."

"Fondlea medicalinstrument,prop up against a leather wall, and try on an adult size baby bonnetandbib at the Museum of Sex's exhibit. Hey, whatever happens atthe Museumof Sex, stays at the Museum of Sex." The Exhibit runsthrough March 2008.
-Rare DailyNewYork

Media Radio Playboy TV Magazine Articles Bloggers Medical Toys
for Medical Fetish and Nurse Fetish...............BDSM, medical, clinic
scene play,nurse (2025)


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.